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Wiccan Manifesto and Response ||>

This is something that's been passed on the net... thought I'd share it.

The first essay ||>
"Wiccan Manifesto"

I am Wiccan. I was never initiated by a High Priestess and I have never been in a group ceremony of more than two. The only magic I do is to get the red light to turn green. But I am Wiccan. I am Wiccan because I believe in the Lord, the Lady and the Rede. I believe so much that if you took my blood from my body, it would be Wiccan. My Wiccan muscles cover the deep polythiestic feeling in the fibres of my bones. My skin hums at the changing of both the sun and the moon. My hair whispers into my Wiccan ears that the gods are real and I am a stone in an ancient circle dating back before humans could even conceive of one god.

I read St. Francis, Leland, Mohammed, Crowley, Rabbi Hillel, Starhawk, Lao Tzu, Gustavo Gutierrez, and Buddha. I read because I am not Jewish, Christian or Muslim. I am not Hindu, Buddhist or Taoist. I am not Asatru, Thelemite or "Pagan." I am all these things and more. I am acceptance and inclusion. I am Wiccan.

I am Wiccan and I could not care less what people think about that. If people think I should be initiated, please stop by and initiate me, but it won't make a difference in my life. My life is Wiccan because years and years ago the Lord and Lady made it so.

So to those who would reject me, I forgive you and love you. It is in loving that we are loved, and one day you will look back and love me. If you are human, with blood and bone and flesh, then you are me and I am you. And I am Wiccan.

The Response ||>
"Wiccan Manifesto, a rebuttal"

I too, am Wiccan. I am initiated by a High Priestess and High Priest. I have worked in groups of 20 to groups of two, or on my own. I have worked magick as simple as a green light spell to helping catch a sexual offender. Most often, I work very little magick at all. Magick is not what makes me Wiccan.

I too believe in Goddess and God above all things, though I have names for them and see them as individual faces. I do not believe in some abstract concept of God/dess. Inspite of my beliefs, I am human. My very blood, bone and body cry out to the majesty of Goddess and God. This has been so since the past forgotten, and shall be into the future untold.

I read because I wish to gain knowledge, and because no one religion or way of thinking will ever be "right". There are as many ways to reach Goddess and God as there are people on the planet, and there will never be one "right" path for us all to use to touch the Source. Each religion has a piece of the picture, a spoke on the wheel. It is up to us to learn about them and see how the paths fit together.

I am Wiccan. I have been initiated into Mysteries that cannot be found in books, and very few learn on their own through trial and error. Because I am initiated, I have standards that others may feel are too "ridge", "old", "elitist" or even out dated. I know that because have told me so, or have accusemd me of such. Because I have been initated, I hold myself, and consequently others, to a higher standard they may not be able to reach. Because I have pasted most of my trails and gained initiation, I have become a more efficient Priestess. I am not perfect. My path is not the path for others. Goddess and God talk to many people in many different ways. In days of 'or, initiation was only for those who would delve into the Mysteries. These Mysteries are being lost in this day and age of fast knowledge, loose standards, and lapsed work/ethics. With Initiation you take on responsibilities to keep these Mysteries alive, and waiting for those who will take the final step, who will become Initiated, who will answer the Call and put their faith on the line for what they believe in.... usually to the dismay of the popular culture.

Indeed we are both of the same flesh and bone. The only difference we faces is the Calling we have received. Some feel it more strongly than others. Those who do, get their "formal" training and learn of the Mysteries. The rare few who stumble upon them while on their own as self taught solitaires are few and far between. With or without a "title", Goddess and God will love you no less. These are both different ways of doing the same thing.

I am Wiccan. Under that title, I love you as brother or sister.... We may squabble and fight over things as siblings do, but we are still of the same family. Our terms may change, our definitions may vary, our blood may boil over topics. This is all part of being a big family.

We are Wiccan, even though we will disagree with each other, We are still Wiccan.