The Name Game ||>
While watching Darla the other night, I noticed something
and it made me think. Angel's name when he was Liam, Spike's was
William and both the Master and Darla's names are unknown. Is
this something that most vampires do when they get turned? Well,
let's explore both cases: that either yes, it does mean something
or that no, it means nothing and I'm just nuts.
OK, let's assume that most vampires do pick a name for whatever
reason. It is obvious that, if that's the case, the names mean
something. Darla was the Master's "dear one," Liam's
sister called him an "angel" when she invited him in
right after he had been turned and Spike either tortured his victims
with real or metaphorical railroad spikes. (Personally, I think
he came back after that comment and tortured them like that for
real, but that's just me.) But all these things happened once
the people had been turned and the demons were already demons.
So it would follow logically that the demon tries to chuck off
their former life and pick one thing that will distinguish them
as a separate entity for the rest of their unlife.
But what if that's wrong? That these cases were just simply out
of the ordinary? Drusilla for instance has not yet been known
to change her name. Dalton also sounds like a name that was given
and not chosen. Did they miss the loop then or are they actually
the norm?
I ask for you to draw your own conclusions.