Season 6 wishes ||>
Wishes for things I'd like to see on Buffy:
- Angel/Buffy crossover, hopefullly with the title characters
(although probably not going to happen...)
[and it didn't happen... maybe some day...]
- An english girlfriend for Giles. At least he would have a
reason to leave.
[a big no to this as well. At least he
came back at the end.]
- A Xander/Anya pre-wedding disaster
[Yeah, you could say that.]
- ... but a great wedding for after.
[But no, just continuing badness]
- Buffy and Angel making love and nothing happens. So they discover
that they could have been lovers since s3.
[Another strike.]
- Ethan Rayne returning in some way or another
[This didn't happen, although I think
I'll continue to hope for next season.]
- A totally deratted Amy (this has really gone on long enough!)
[and we have a winner, folks! Now to see
what she'll be up to...]
- Chris Beck back for more score work, and not just for the
musical epi.
[I suppose the musical eppy was better
than nothing.]
- Willow getting in over her head, with all this new juice.
Maybe hitting rock bottom.
[I would say that bottom was pretty rocky.]
- Faith returning and not being the evil bitca and actually
doing her best to make amends
[I think she's stuck in Angel-land too.]
- ... or Faith returning as an evil bitca, kill her off and
move on.
[see above]
- Complications for Buffy being brought back...what, I don't
know, but I want them just the same.
[definite complications. But I think it
might have gone on too long.]
- ... and yet in the end a decently explained resurrection nonetheless...
[it was appropriate IMO]
- Another Spike & Dawn adventure.
[well, they were cute together]
- An appropriate sendoff for Giles with perhaps a little crossover
action (although seeing the BBC cut in America might be a chore)
[The new Brit spin-off isn't even off
its butt yet.]
- ... and a threeway tie-in between Giles's series, BtVS and
Angel would be really cool.
[Nope. Never again.]
- More History & Mythology of the Buffyverse
- A tight arc and another quality set of new villains.
[Well, my boy Jonathan is always quality.
Other than that, a big no!]
- A love shack to be included at some point so this site's title
can have some meaning.
[I can be comfortable with no meaning
I suppose...]
- More Drusilla!
[steerike three! You're outta here!]